Sunday, October 26, 2008

Frozen Milk

Yesterday I went to St. Trauma, also known as St. Thomas, to do some grocery shopping with my friend Megan. Jay was having everyone over from Wharton Smith for dinner so I had to stock up, those boys can eat a lot! Anyway, I have started buying milk in half gallon cardboard jugs. I can freeze them and pull them out as we need them. The milk I had been buying at Starfish always seemed to go bad. So I bought 11 1/2 gallons yesterday. 5 were for a friend and the rest for me. I put my 3 in the freezer and the rest in the fridge. Since our freezer is so small and our ice maker/water dispenser is not hooked up I use the ice maker to store stuff. I put the 3 in the freezer and left it at that. Next thing I know 4 hours later Jean-Claude and Andre are telling me I cannot put milk in my freezer becasue it explodes. JC had gone to use the ice maker and ended up chopping up the milk carton so I had milk running down the inside of my freezer. Since milk is so expensive I saved all of the frozen chunks that had not come out of the carton and put it in a pitcher to use. What do the kids ask me this morning..."What's that white stuff in the lemonade pitcher?"

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