Monday, March 30, 2009

People Magazine

Mary is kind enough to endulge me in one of my addictions, People Magazine (Thanks Mary!). When went to get the mail today I was so excited because I could see it through the tiny window. It is like my own golden ticket. (we get a golden ticket when we have a package) I pulled it out, looked at the cover and thought, hmmm, this cover again. I looked at the date, February 9. Just a few weeks late, almost 2 months!

A few weeks ago People came in a plastic bag. The postal service had accidently ripped up the first few pages. I am grateful that they thought highly enough of the magazine to send it to me.

Keep up the good work USPS!

1 comment:

April said...

That is so annoying! Yay for snail mail! :) And I get you on the ripped up mag. I just got one in the mail last week and it was torn to pieces. How does that happen?? Glad to see you guys are well and had a great spring break!!