Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Catch a Ray by Jay

M "What was that noise"
J "Nothing Just the soap scrubber thing falling" M closes window
M "I am going downstairs" Goes to turn off fans
M "Jay there is a rat on the counter" M stands on couch for a better look.
J goes to untensil crock and pulls out M's favorite spatula and begins the hunt for the rat. Turns on lights. Looks in sink. Turns on water. Lifts up pot in sink. Oh look there is the rat sitting on the bowl. "Oh crap"
M "I really like that spatula, its one of may favorites"
J "Do you have one that is not a favorite"
M "Not really, I only have 2"
Rat runs behind coffee maker. J uses coffe maker to crush rat.
J "What can I pick this thing up with that you dont like"
M"Here use this tong spatula thing"
J scoops up rat and puts in bag
J "Now what do I do with it" "Do you have any tuperware you dont like?"

Rat is in a plastic bag in an upside down tupperware container on my dining room table.

J" I will take it when I leave in the morning"