Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Walker

Can you believe she is 8!!!!

She got to open some of her presents this morning. Uncle Mitch and Aunt Laine get the earliest arrival award! She loved the wrapping paper, and what was inside. Thanks! More updates later!

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themommy67 said...

Happy Birthday Walker! Eight is such a great age...enjoy your day. We miss you and think of you often. Abby and Julia!

susan said...

Happy Birthday Walker Ruth! Of course Uncle Mitch & Aunt Laine are the earliest - just not a month early on this niece!!

nkucera said...

Happy Birthday, Walker! Trust you are having a super, wonderful day. Great Uncle Phil and I wish you the very best on this, your 8th, birthday. It is a very special day and a very special year. Enjoy it all. Give hugs to all your family from us. Great Aunt Nancy and Great Uncle Phil