Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What else do we do!

I wish I could say we are in Ft. Myers for Spring Break but nope, we are stuck in Dunwoody.  Well, kinda. Both kids played in tournaments the first weekend of Spring Break.  Walker played in Carrollton for 3 days and Quinn was in Douglasville for 2 days.  Lucky for us they are both on the same side of town.   Walker stayed in one of the state parks so that was her vacation!  Quinn and I drove back and forth from Carrollton while Jay stayed and chaperoned the girls.  The girls have made huge strides since the Fall.  Even though they only won 3 games out of 7 they hung with some teams that are a year older and a foot taller.

Quinn's Ninth Inning Royals made it to the championship game of his tournament. They lost but have also made tremendous progress since they started in the Spring.

Up next, two more tournaments this weekend. Of course they are on opposite sides of town!

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