Friday, December 31, 2010


We had great visit with Mary and John over Christmas.  Janie, Scott, and Ryan joined us on Sunday and stayed until Wednesday.  We enjoyed being with them and getting to know Ryan.  They left on Wedneesday to head to Florida.  The kids and I, well just I, spent Wednesday taking down all of the Christmas decorations.  I was going to leave thm up until the New Year but we blew a fuse or something on Monday so the outlet the tree was plugged into did not work, neither did any of the surrounding lights.  Makes the tree kinda dull with out lights.

We took the kids bowling on Thursday.  Where are the pictures you wonder.  I would have had to remember my new phone for that to happen.  Anyway, the kids had a blast!  They wanted to bowl with out bumpers but we convinced them to use them  Thank goodness because somehow they missed all 10 pins at times with the bumpers in!

It has been nice and quiet around our house. The kids have been spending their days in their pj's, well Walker has. Since it was so cold out the kids have been spending their days on the Wii and listening to thier ipods.

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