Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mr. Luke's Visit

Watching the iguana while waiting at the playground by the airport for Luke to come.

Getting ready to do a beach dive at Lamashur Bay.

What now?
Part of Jay's scuba equiptment did not work so this is as far as they made it! They did some snorkeling instead.

Fun at Lamashur Bay while Daddy and Luke are "trying" to scuba.
We had a great time with Luke. Jay and Luke went diving one day. They went out and dove the HMS Rhone over in the BVI's. Luke did some hiking while he was here. We took him over to Skinnys, Wednesday play time in Coral Bay, Maho Bay and even to church. We ate a lot of food and drank lots of drinks that require umbrella's. Jay even had "the flu" one day. A great time was had by all. The big question is when will Mr. Luke return????

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