Monday, April 9, 2012


We had a wonderful time in Ft. Myers, Thanks Susie and Uldis!  Our days were filled with mostly the pool. We went to all 4 pools at the complex over the course of the week.  What else did we do, played shuffle board, miniature golf 3 times, Quinn went to a Twins Spring Training Game.  We also had lots of bike time and down time.  We visited Sanibel for our usual day trip to the beach with ice cream after.  The most fun was the afternoon of sailing. Seeing the manatee and dolphins was my favorite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have that hi res shot of Quinn on display life size in my room. Sometimes when I walk up behind him and press my cheek against his then bury my face in his neck and start kissing his neck and slowly work my way up to his ear and cheek, then around to his mouth I loose track of time, especially if the lights are turned down and it is bedtime.