Saturday, April 3, 2010


6 am wake up, play UNO, pick hibiscus, check contents of fridge
7:15am wake up everyone in condo
8:15 ride bikes to Dunkin donuts for breakfast
9:45 put on bathing suits and head to pool
11:30 return from pool and have lunch
12:00 go on dinghy ride looking for manatees (found them, saw lumpy),
take dinghy to bowditch beach
2:00. Get off at dinghy at pool 4 and play shuffleboard
2:20 swim in pool 4
2:25 run/ walk the half mile from pool 4 to condo
2:45 have moosetracks ice cream on lani
2:55 have whipped cream squirted in mouth
2:56 stop moving and watch movie

I want to know if it is time for bed yet or maybe time for a cocktail?!
Sent from my iPhone

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