We went to the World of Coke on Monday. Another one of our "free trips" using Coke points (how ironic I know). The kids had fun seeing all the exhibits and then tasting the various kids of coke products from around the globe. On the way out we stopped at Centennial Olympic Park so the kids could cool off in the Olympic ring fountains.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What I forgot about the Summer Sizzler
I cannot believe I forgot the most important part....Walker hit a screamer between the first baseman and the first base bag for an inside the park 3 run home run. That hit gave them the lead and the victory in one of their games.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Summer Sizzler
Walker's softball team the Cobras played in the Summer Sizzler in Woodstock on Friday night and Saturday. They lost their first game on Friday night. Their was a major interstate closing accident on 75 on Friday night so we did not get home until 11:30. Back up we went on Saturday for an 11:30 game. It was a double elimination tournament so you were not done until you lost 2. They won, lost, won, won, lost. They came in 3rd place!!! They played great! It was hot out, around 93 but they had so much fun as did the parents. Walker woke up on Sunday wishing they were still playing. Quinn had a blast managing the scoreboard for all of the games. This was our last tournament of the summer. Our travelling summer swings into full blast this weekend

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Funny happenings
Walker slept until 10am today. She said her back hurt from sleeping so much.
Jay was quizzing the kids on thier addition and multiplication facts the other night. He told them they were not very good and they needed to practice. So practice they did. While Quinn was taking a shower Walker sat on toilet and quizzed Quinn using flash cards. When Quinn was done showering he did the same for Walker. It was funny to stand on the stairs and hear the quizzing!
Jay was quizzing the kids on thier addition and multiplication facts the other night. He told them they were not very good and they needed to practice. So practice they did. While Quinn was taking a shower Walker sat on toilet and quizzed Quinn using flash cards. When Quinn was done showering he did the same for Walker. It was funny to stand on the stairs and hear the quizzing!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Back to the Ballpark
Softball has started up again for Walker and the Cobras. They had the pool play on Friday and Saturday to figuire out seeding and today they play the single elimination tournament. They won two and lost one over the course of two days. Walker has been playing great and really enjoying it. Her team has a great group of girls and parents on it. Quinn spends his time climbing fences, getting into posion ivy and keeping score. His ball collection is not doing so great on this tournament. The park we are at is recently renovated so there are not many balls laying around.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Back from vacation
We got back from our quick, exhausting, but fun trip to St. John on Tuesday. We all slipped right back into things on St. John like we had never left. We did Friday night a the Tap room, Saturday beach at Maho, Dinner Saturday at the Majettes, boating Sunday and Monday. We were exhausted by the time Tuesday rolled around and it was time to go home. Once we got back everything started back up again, swim practice and softball practice. Walker has a tournament this weekend with 10 other teams. She is very excited to play against some other teams. Quinn will do his usual, find balls and get dirty!
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