Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
More Birthday Photos
Here are some fun shots from Walker's casual birthday today. She had pancakes for breakfast, cupcakes at lunch with her friends,
and pizza with Megan and Larry.
Thanks to everyone who called and wished her Happy Birthday, you made her day!
Thanks Megan and Larry for our cool candy with the fake grill and lips on them!
Happy 8th Birthday Walker
Monday, January 26, 2009
It's not all fun and games
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
The unmentionable rodent
We have had one of those (rhymes with bat) visiting our house earlier this week. It got in the screen door and exited through the kitchen window stopping to snack on the bananas and apples along the way. We got rat traps, it got away. We put the fruit away, it ate plastic. We covered the hole, it chewed and new one. Finally we closed the window. It still tried to get in by chewing a third hole and scratching at the window. That was Wednesday and so far so good. Do you really want to be updated on this!?
Third times a charm
We got two new fish, again. We got them on Tuesday and they are still alive!!! Every morning I walk upstairs praying that they are not floating on the top. I will try to take a picture of them this afternoon. The kids have named them frenchie the 2nd and sunny. Let's hope they make it.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Anniversary
We cannot believe it ourselves! We have been here for a year and we still love it! I know I am a bit late on the anniversary celebration but things got a bit crazy last week.
Power update: Our power came on a few hours later on Saturday. It turns out there was a circuit breaker that the landlord did not know about out at the monument on the street. Three Wapa (water and power authority) guys showed up and helped Danny find the breaker.
Power update: Our power came on a few hours later on Saturday. It turns out there was a circuit breaker that the landlord did not know about out at the monument on the street. Three Wapa (water and power authority) guys showed up and helped Danny find the breaker.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
We got two new fish on Friday, Blackbeard-the fish only has one eye, and Starfish-the fish has an orange star like design on its head.
By Saturday morning at 8:30 we were having another fish burial service. Walker was in hysterics and I had not had a cup of coffee yet but I had to scoop out a grave for 2 fish.
Maybe we will have better luck with the next group, let's hope so.
By Saturday morning at 8:30 we were having another fish burial service. Walker was in hysterics and I had not had a cup of coffee yet but I had to scoop out a grave for 2 fish.
Maybe we will have better luck with the next group, let's hope so.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
No power
We do not have any power. The interesting thing is that we are the
only ones. Who knows what happened or if it will be fixed anytime soon
with Monday as a holiday and tuesday as one too, it's Obama day on the
only ones. Who knows what happened or if it will be fixed anytime soon
with Monday as a holiday and tuesday as one too, it's Obama day on the
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Death of the fish
Both fish have gone to the great fish tank in the sky. Frenchie died
on new years day...Anna last night- I think she was lonely. We are
going fish shopping on Tuesday.
on new years day...Anna last night- I think she was lonely. We are
going fish shopping on Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy 3 Kings Day Everyone!
No school today due to 3 Kings Day also known as the Epiphany!
School starts tomorrow. Yea!
No school today due to 3 Kings Day also known as the Epiphany!
School starts tomorrow. Yea!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year Updates
It seems like our house has a revolving door, or at least the island does. Mary, John and Janie left last Saturday, the 27th. We had a great visit with them and can't wait to see them again. A bunch of loads of laundry, no electricity in the kitchen, and no propane, the Grays show up, the 30th. The propane and electricity story first.
We ran out of propane which is totally normal but they are having trouble getting propane tanks on the island. Here is the full story on the propane.
As for the electricity, the electrician came out on Tuesday and fixed it. One hour later we still do not have any lights that work in the kitchen. 2/3 of our house is dark. It makes cooking after 5 kinda hard.
Back to the Grays. We have been busy with them going to the beach, going boating and have a great time. They are here until Sunday.
My Dad, Terri, and Alex came in today so the kids and I went to St. Thomas to get them. They are here until Wednesday. I know we will be hitting the beaches and having a great time.
School starts on Wednesday. They have been putting new floors in my room. They are suppose to be done by Monday. We will see. I will be lucky if they will be done by Wednesday. Why you ask do I think that? Well my principal volunteered to come in and help me put my room back together. That is never a good sign!
The Pond Bay Model is finished. They finished it on the 23rd of December. It looks fabulous. I will put up some pictures of the finished model, maybe after all of our visitors leave.
We ran out of propane which is totally normal but they are having trouble getting propane tanks on the island. Here is the full story on the propane.
As for the electricity, the electrician came out on Tuesday and fixed it. One hour later we still do not have any lights that work in the kitchen. 2/3 of our house is dark. It makes cooking after 5 kinda hard.
Back to the Grays. We have been busy with them going to the beach, going boating and have a great time. They are here until Sunday.
My Dad, Terri, and Alex came in today so the kids and I went to St. Thomas to get them. They are here until Wednesday. I know we will be hitting the beaches and having a great time.
School starts on Wednesday. They have been putting new floors in my room. They are suppose to be done by Monday. We will see. I will be lucky if they will be done by Wednesday. Why you ask do I think that? Well my principal volunteered to come in and help me put my room back together. That is never a good sign!
The Pond Bay Model is finished. They finished it on the 23rd of December. It looks fabulous. I will put up some pictures of the finished model, maybe after all of our visitors leave.
Boating on New Years Day with neighbors from the Atl
Yacht spotting
The cool ride home
On New Years Day we rented a boat with the Grays. We drove around the North Shore of St. Thomas and pointed out all of our favorite beaches. From there we went to Tortola's West End to clear customs. After customs we headed to Smugglers Cove for a quick dip. Sandy Spit was next for a lunch break and a swim to the small, small island. From Sandy Spit we headed to Jost Van Dyke and the Soggy Dollar bar. A few painkillers later we headed back to St.John. We had some time left on the rental so we drove around the South shore of St. John. We went and saw our house and the job site from the water. Its amazing how different it looks from the water. We check back into customs, had dinner at the Fish Trap and headed home. We were in bed asleep byt 8:30 am!

Enjoying the ride from the front
Enjoying the ride from the front
Having Your Cake on New Years
Having their cake
We went to the Majette's for New Years (Winn and Katha's house). The kids had a blast playing with the Gray's (all the way from the Atl) and their friends from school. The grownups got to visit and enjoy fabulous food, company, drinks, and a gorgeous view. The Majette's live at the top of the earth on Bordeaux Mt. The road has not been paved all the way yet. You can see the BVI's from their house. We had a wonderful time, Thanks Margaret and Pretlow!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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