The house is coming along. The windows, trim and hardwoods are in. The floors will be stained sometime in the future. Painting will be done before the floors are stained. The stairs were put in today. The laundry room will be done in the next few days. Our contractor was kind enough to hook up the old washer and dryer so I could do some laundry. The real door outside finally came in and will be put in sometime. As you can tell everything will happen, when it the question! One thing I think I know is that the cabinets will be installed next week (I hope)?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
House Update
The house is coming along. The windows, trim and hardwoods are in. The floors will be stained sometime in the future. Painting will be done before the floors are stained. The stairs were put in today. The laundry room will be done in the next few days. Our contractor was kind enough to hook up the old washer and dryer so I could do some laundry. The real door outside finally came in and will be put in sometime. As you can tell everything will happen, when it the question! One thing I think I know is that the cabinets will be installed next week (I hope)?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
River Cats
Quinn is on the River Cats this Fall. He is in AA. This is the first year of kid pitch. Quinn pitched yesterday and struck out the side! Of course after he said his shoulder hurt and he needed to ice it.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bobble head night and batting practice
It's 4:58 and we are at Turner Field ready for the 7:10 game. It is Dan Uggla bobble head night so we had to get here early!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Let there be drywall!
They started putting up the drywall on Saturday. The came back on Sunday to tape and mud the holes. They are coming tomorrow to continue. It is beginning to look like a house!
The view from the front door.

The view from the front door.
The family room fireplace.
From the dining room towards the stairs and office. Like my model!?
From the fireplace facing the kitchen/dining room.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Ladies night
Quinn is loving his evening with the ladies, Charlsie and MaryMac, at the Gwinnett Braves game. The Braves are playing the Pawtucket Red Sox. Brian McCann the catcher for the Braves is doing his rehab assignment here.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I hate the recorder
Let me say it again. I hate the recorder. The sounds coming from Quinn's room sound like a dying goose. He gets to play one all year for general Music. Walker's band playing days are in limbo at the moment. Since the school is now a K-5 and the band teacher is no longer there...They don't know what they are going to do. If we are lucky she will take up the recorder too!
We were all set to go with the drywall on Wednesday until the inspector decided our family room "needed a little help". So all of the newly installed insulation had to be pulled out and foam insulation sprayed in. Allegedly the drywall is going up on Saturday/Sunday. A perfect time to come since no one will be in school!
Tacos on the Grill
It's whats for dinner. Without a stove we are trying to do what we can. Roosie got the best of this meal. She licked the grease I decided to spill twice!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Construction update
I wish I had a great picture to show you of our construction but not much has changed. We do have our sub floor. We passed the electrical inspection and have permnant power to our new pannel. What we do not have is drywall. I fell like I am back in the islands, soon come. There are still a few tweaks that have to be done. Meaning inspections that need to be passed before the drywall goes up. Rumor has it that will be this week. Like I said before, soon come.
More First Day of School
Quinn with Mrs. Hollis, his homeroom and Language Arts teacher. Mrs. Hollis was Walker's teacher last year. We are very lucky to have her this year too!
Every year we took a picture in front of the other door. Since that door is gone we have moved the picture to the real front door, and now the only door going in and out of the house.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Having fun at the Gwinnett Braves
We had softball practice today then headed to the Gwinnett Braves game, the Braves minor Aaa league team. The Weatherly's joined us for a great evening before school starts on Monday.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
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