Friday, March 25, 2011

Entering island time

Thanks Jay

First class for me on the way to St. Thomas. Jay gets to ride in the back. Thanks honey!!!

Sent from my new iPhone that my brother wants

Saturday, March 19, 2011


The Mudhens won today 17-9 and the Outlaws lost 5-2. Both teams are 2-1 for the season. Walker has her first Cobras games tomorrow.  The Cobras are the tournament team that she plays on.  They have two games tomorrow.

One, two, three, GONE!

Jay sold his last house on Friday!   Let the renovations in our own home begin!

Father daughter sock hop

Monday, March 14, 2011


16-11...Mudhens win! Great offense and defense!

Sent from my new iPhone that my brother wants

Check out the ankle brace on jay!

But he doesn't know what happened.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Turns out

Turns out sugar free creamer is not too bad...If you add some regular half and half to it.  I think it will do.

Walker has given up saying she is sorry as an automatic response when she forgets something or inadvertently does something wrong. Every time she says it she has to put a quarter into her rice bowl. So far there is $1.50 in there!

Pictures from Opening Day

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A place to have dessert

How to spend a Sunday

After a full day at the ballpark yesterday Jay and the kids are headed back there for Walker's practice. I however am at the Civic Center for my Rite of Election for my RCIA class.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What it has come to

Lent started yesterday. Since I am currently going through RCIA I decided to give up sugar for Lent. That means candy, cookies, ice cream, brownies, and sugar in my coffee. For two days I have been drinking my coffee with just creamer. It is awful! So off I went tonight to buy sugar free creamer. I will let you know how it turns out.

Quote of the day from Quinn

"Mom, what is the date?"

"It is the 10th today" I tell Quinn

"The coupons start today at Costco Mom!  You can use your coupon and get the Sun Chips today!"

"Sure Quinn.  I'd love to"