Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Leaving St.John
Today we leave St.John to move back to Atlanta. We are still loading up our container this morning. We had our friends over last night for pizza. We are sad to leave but we know we will be back.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It has been a wild week since last Friday! Last Friday I had the staff of GHS here for our Holiday party. The Majettes and Jones's all stayed for the evening. Jay had been out boating all day with Gary, who was here for a few days. On Saturday we had breakfast with Santa and then the Murril's Christmas party. Sunday was spent on the water. We headed over to Josiahs on Tortola where some surfing was done. We hit Taboo on the way back for a late lunch. The kids were in bed at 6:30. Jay and I were not too far behind. On Monday the kids had a show at the Westin for school. Tuesday was a nice quiet evening. Wednesday was spent packing and then off to the Majette's for a nice wine dinner, which lasted until 1:30am!
Today is Christmas eve. We will be making Gingerbread houses, flying kites and heading to the Stair's for their annual Christmas party.
Today is Christmas eve. We will be making Gingerbread houses, flying kites and heading to the Stair's for their annual Christmas party.
Goodbye Gifft Hill School
Tuesday was our last day at school. It was a bittersweet goodbye. We will miss everyone at school. I will especially miss all of the wonderful people I worked with. But it is not goodbye forever, just for now.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Beth and Evan
Evan has been learning ballroom dancing ar school courtsey of pond
bay. No I don't want to talk about it. But it has been great watching
him learn to dance.
bay. No I don't want to talk about it. But it has been great watching
him learn to dance.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dinner and a movie
The kids are having dinner in front of the tv. They are watching
"stormy weather". Also known as Christmas vacation.
"stormy weather". Also known as Christmas vacation.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Perfecta
What a great weekend so far! It started off with baking with 5 kids on Wednesday and then their parents joining us for dinner. Thursday was a blast at the Majette's for Thanksgiving. Friday was evening in the courtyard at Mongoose Junction. There was a silent auction and raffle with the proceeds benefiting Gifft Hill. From there we went to La Tapa to celebrate Pretlow's birthday. Today it is Addison's birthday party at Hawksnest. What a weekend!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Paradise Jam
Walker is performing at the half time show at Paadise Jam a college
basketball. It is Tennesse vs DePaul in the first game and Purdue vs
St Joes in the second.
basketball. It is Tennesse vs DePaul in the first game and Purdue vs
St Joes in the second.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Parent Update
Crazy time has invaded us! Jay has been in Atlanta most of the week. Things have been busy at school with the Middle States team visiting the school for accredation and a strategic plan session going on. Oh that and we are moving. Yep our time on St.John is quickly coming to an end. All work has stopped on Pond Bay and Jay's company is packing up and moving out. What does that mean for us. We will be moving from St. John back to Atlanta sometime between Christmas and New Years. Both kids will start at Vanderlyn once school resumes for them. We do not know where we will live since we currently have renter in our house but it will be somewhere close. We do not have a car so that will also have to be taken care of. It is a lot to figuire out, and Jay took care of some of that during his trip to Atlanta. Oh and not to mention we have Thanksgiving and Christmas in the middle of everything. It will be an interesting next few weeks!
Kids Update
Yesterday at school both kids received Student of the Month Awards. Quinn received 2! One was in his classroom for his improvement on his work and his ability to always make his friends laugh. His second one was in Spanish. Spanish has become one of his new favorite classes.
Walker received hers for Character Development. She decided this week on her own to make brownies for the Middle States team that was visit. For that act of kindness Ms. Beth picked Walker.
They have both been keeping busy. Walker is performing at the Paradise Jam halftime show tomorrow with the Love City Leapers, her jumproping team. She continues to do KATS on Saturday mornings. Quinn continues to be dragged everywhere and everywhere he goes he finds someone to play with.
Monday, November 9, 2009
10 days late
I always seem to be late, or forget.... Happy Birthday Alex! We hope you had a great birthday on October 30th!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 09
As most of you know Halloween on an island is different. We do not have neighborhoods to trick or treat in. So we all go to Mongoose and the kids trick or treat through the stores and the parents stand and watch them and talk with each other. I did not take many pictures this year. I just watched and enjoyed the kids. Pretlow took a ton of pictures so I am sure I will find those and send those out.
We went to Mongoose on Friday after school then went to Rhumb lines for dinner with a whole bunch of friends. On Saturday Walker had KATS. She just got moved up into the racing group. We all went over to Skinnys for lunch since Susie had never been there. We went to Maho on the way home for a dip. We were not there for long, we had a party to get ready for. We celebreated Jays birthday a few days early. Everyone came over for dinner. It was a great time!
Today it is more of the same, beach then dinner for Susie and I at La Tapa.
We went to Mongoose on Friday after school then went to Rhumb lines for dinner with a whole bunch of friends. On Saturday Walker had KATS. She just got moved up into the racing group. We all went over to Skinnys for lunch since Susie had never been there. We went to Maho on the way home for a dip. We were not there for long, we had a party to get ready for. We celebreated Jays birthday a few days early. Everyone came over for dinner. It was a great time!
Today it is more of the same, beach then dinner for Susie and I at La Tapa.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
What a night!
Jay surprised me last night for my birthday by having a bunch of our friends at my favorite restaurant La Tapa. I thought it was just going to be us and the Majettes but it was way more than that. Sam, Heather, Terri and Blake Parker, The Jones's and the Majettes were all there. We had a wonderful dinner and then went to the Crazy Cracker for drinks and dancing. It was by far one of the best birthdays ever! Thanks for making is so great everyone
For all of you that called and emailed me, thanks! you made it special.
For all of you that called and emailed me, thanks! you made it special.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Jay and I went to David and Traci's wedding last night in orlando.
David is jays boss. We had a wonderful time! It is back to St John
today and back to work tomorrow. Maybe one quick stop at target on the
way to the airport.
David is jays boss. We had a wonderful time! It is back to St John
today and back to work tomorrow. Maybe one quick stop at target on the
way to the airport.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Using Sport For Social Change
On Monday Using Sport for Social Change is hosting a free event at the Julius E. Sprauve School field. It is called Just Play. It is open for all kids ages 2-18 and it is free. Both kids are going to participate and I am going to volunteer, Jay has to work. Nike has donated tons of stuff to give away. It plans to be a great day! Here is their
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Goat that was at school last week. He wandered around the ELC and took a trip into First Grade. By the end of the day he was tied up across the street with a police officer on the phone looking at him. We have not seen him since.
A special friend (alligator lizard) that I found in my sink when I came home today.
Jay took the kids fishing off of the point yesterday.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Jay and I went to Tortola and the Sugar Mill Hotel on Friday for what was suppose to be a nice romantic weekend away without the kids. All was well on Friday when we left. We had a wonderful time relaxing at the beach on Friday afternoon and a delicious dinner at the hotel's restaurant. Saturday was a whole different story. I dont know if it was something I ate or a 24hr bug but I spent most of Saturday on the couch. We rented a car on Saturday to drive around the island. We started off and I figuired my stomach pains would all go away. No such luck. We stopped at Lamberet Bay on the North Shore of Tortola. That area will always have special memories for me. I spent most of the time there throwing up. We drove around a bit more then headed back to the hotel so I could lay on the couch all day. We left on the 915 ferry this moring. I am feeling better but not 100% yet. No need to stick around there, I can lay on the couch at home. What a fun weekend that was! At least the kids had fun with Heather!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Sugar Mill
Jay and I are off tomorrow to The Sugar Mill on Tortola. We won this trip at the Gifft Hill School auction in March. It is expires at the end of October so we figuired we had better use it before it expires. We are both looking forward to the weekend. I am looking forward to the food, it looks yummy and has gotten great reviews! Check it out... The kids are spending the weekend with Heather, thanks Heather!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Life of Walker
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